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2 Editorial
6 Aeration cooling can help save moist grain
8 LiDAR to detect and map tall weeds at harvest
12 ASK AN EXPERT - Can multi-species planting provide effective weed control?
15 Urease inhibitors, what are they and how can they help you
18 New mapping technology enables variable P fertiliser applications
19 Classic Tractor Tales - The speed factor
22 ASK AN EXPERT - What can I do to control large FTR grass in fallow?
25 Fundamental support for global wheat prices
26 The heat is on in South America
27 The wheat market is trading a war
28 Grain and meat sectors need to grasp value adding opportunities
30 Carbon farming and land value
31 Putting PA to Work - Robots take CTF to next level
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34 Artificial intelligence helps design the perfect chickpea
35 Researchers harness the sun’s rays to fight major plant disease
36 Managing mouse numbers ahead of increased activity
38 Bushfire bees on the brink
39 Bushfire insights uncovered with new fire-atmosphere modelling
41 New mode of action pre-emergent for grass weeds in pulse crops
42 Farming smart with nutrient supplementation
43 District Reports
49 Safe sorghum planting while controlling weeds
51 Australia mirrors Argentina in robust sorghum exports
52 New barley powdery mildew resistance genes key to resistance
54 Cotton in cattle country: Building the Northern Territory’s first gin
56 Talking digital
57 Testing informs herbicide choice and the power of MOA mixtures
59 Pre-emergent herbicides and high density crop for barley grass control
61 Opportunity for Australian Noodle Wheat following US drought
62 Local farm group explores novel deep ripping approach

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